Don’t Ever Rely on Time-Killing Features!. Try Productive Time-Saving Features from secure team email, the Mailtrim

Intelligent Inbox
Receiving emails from multiple accounts? No worries now!. The intelligent and unified inbox of mailtrim team email software classifies them separately, and sorts every mail by its nature for quick access.
Email Signature
Stop typing your name manually every time while composing a mail. Now create an email signature of your own by acquiring this secure team email, and let your signature automatically added to your new mail.
Respond Later
 Thinking that you might forget to send a reply to an important email!. Now let respond later feature of this simple email client remind you. Tag it to your required received emails and reply duly.
PGP Encryption
Let your professional conversations be more confident and private with this secure team mail. Send PGP-encrypted emails to your teams with the easy to use, “code lock and unlock” feature.
Smart Search
Mails or attachments, Retrieve what you want in just no time!. Let this precise email client app find your emails instant and quick without having to browse the entire inbox.
Customized Displays
Create a customized view of your new email to take a completely new look. Send professional emails by writing eye-pleasing paragraphs with different font sizes and styles.
Impressive Archives
Backup all those important email conversations into a centralized archive and retrieve them easily for future searches. The mailtrim simple email client is the one for you!.
Not all emails you receive are important! Tag those prioritized and important ones with a flag, and filter them all at once for a quick view. Let the mailtrim team email management software do this for you!.
Quick Customizable Reminders
Set reminders on email threads that you want to get notified. Leave aside your concerns!. Let this secure email provider send you a quick reminder when you don’t receive a reply from your team.
Event Calendar
Simply schedule team meetings on the go with the mailtrim team email software calendar feature. It lets you understand the availability of your team members to organize meetings.
Email Scheduling
Allow mailtrim to schedule and send your emails at a later date and time you set. Being a secure email provider it supports enterprise-grade PGP encryption.
Mailtrim supports much native and third-party integration such as Google Drive, DropBox for saving files. Besides, it helps users to integrate with CRM too.